Facultatea de
Automatică, Calculatoare,
Inginerie Electrică și Electronică

Limba engleză

Studiu privind comunicarea dintre student și angajatori

Changing the recruitment of tomorrow - OTaC 2015. Câștigă un iPad și modelează recrutarea online a viitorului.

Facultatea de Automatica, Calculatoare, Inginerie Electrica și Electronica coopereaza cu Institutul de Cercetare din Suedia Potentialpark in vederea realizarii unui studiu privind comunicarea dintre student si angajatori. Studentii sunt rugati sa participle la completarea unui sondaj de opinie.
Universitatea Dunarea de Jos Galati is assisting Potentialpark, a global recruitment research firm, in conducting a study to gather feedback from students on the effectiveness of employer recruitment channels. The study is anonymous and takes 15-20 minutes. It is independent and not sponsored by any company or organization.
What's in it for you?
1. You get the chance to win the latest iPad.
2. If you want, you can get a significant discount on a subscription of 12 issues of Bloomberg Businessweek when you complete the study.
3. You will learn more about the latest trends in online recruitment and gain insights that will be valuable for your own career.
4. You will shape the future of online recruitment so that it will become easier to find the right career opportunities and to apply for jobs online.
5. We will send you the results, if you want.
6. As a thank you for your participation, Potentialpark will send you a digital international career guide (available mid-October).
Tell the employers how you want to apply for jobs, here:
Thanks for participating. And good luck with the drawing for the IPad!
Potentialpark will publish the results in the media in the spring of 2015 and share them with Career Services and with study respondents.